Preferred Freelancer Program Service Level Agreement
As a Preferred Freelancer, we ask that you adhere to the following agreement.
You will:
- Agree and accept that the Program is on an ‘invite only’ basis and you may be invited or asked to leave the Program at any time and without advance notice to you.
- Maintain the minimum requirements of entry to the Program. We reserve the right to remove you from the Program if your performance in the Program falls below our minimum performance requirements.
- You will have a complete profile, including professional photo, detailed bio and a portfolio displaying your best work.
- Respond to messages in a timely manner, as this increases your chances of being recommended.
- Inform the Diana Project Hulk of your availability and ensure that you are responsive during those times.
- Provide an outstanding level of customer service at all times (we expect you to be polite, not demanding, easy to deal with).
- Help to guide your client through the process of completing a project and ensure that they have an excellent customer service experience.
- Provide work that is of excellent quality.
- Deliver work on time.
- Maintain an 85% project acceptance rate.
- Maintain a dispute rate below 10% (with no more than 2 serious disputes in the last 6 months).
- Maintain a completion rate no lower than 85%.
- Keep communications and payments on-site only. Payments can be made through Diana’s Payment Portal.
- Make sure you respond politely, accurately and with a high degree of professionalism. Any language abuse, spamming or threatening statements will not be tolerated.
- Switch off your Preferred badge whenever you are unavailable to take projects, too busy, or wishing to take a break from the Program.
You will not:
- Communicate with clients in any unprofessional way, for example speaking badly about a Recruiter, Freelancer, or other freelancers.
- Unprofessional communication, spamming, rude or threatening behaviour, or blackmail of an employer will result in your immediate removal from Freelancer.
- Discuss fees with clients (project fees or Recruiter project fees).
- Request upfront payments
- If for any reason you break this condition and request upfront payments, we reserve the right to freeze withdrawals on your account until work has been delivered to the Project Hulk or the funds have been returned.
- Request ratings & reviews before project completion.
- If you have your own portfolio site that you’d like to share with the us, you can do so.
- Bid on projects you are not able to complete, either because of skill or time constraints.
If your initial connection with DPH(Diana’s Project Hulk) was established on a project, any subsequent projects connected to the original work will also need to upgraded.
Any Attempt to circumvent or avoid the 5% project fee will result in a 20% penalty fee and a warning. Repeated attempts will result in expulsion from the Program. If in doubt, check with the DPH .