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Every organization needs to have well-adjusted, trained and experienced people to perform the activities that must be done.

As jobs in today’s dynamic organizations have become more complex, the importance of pre-graduation education has increased. When jobs were simple, easy to learn and influenced to only a small degree by technological changes, there was little need for students to upgrade or alter their skills. But that situation rarely exists today. Instead, rapid job changers are occurring, requiring employee’s skills to be transformed and frequently updated. In organizations, this takes place through what we call employee training.

Why is Institutional Training Important?

Training is concerned with bringing about improvement in the performance of work of the students who will be the future of Organizations.

Training is the process through which students can do the job prescribed to them. Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies in the IT Corporate World.

 The training aims to improve one’s capability, capacity, and performance. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at institutes of technology (also known as technical colleges or polytechnics). In addition to the basic training required for a trade, occupation, or profession, observers of the labor market recognize as of 2008 the need to continue training beyond initial qualifications: to maintain upgrade, and update skills throughout working life.

People in many professions and occupations may refer to this training as professional development.

 Training is not a one-step process but it is a continuous or never-ending process. It makes newly recruited students fully productive in a minimum of time. Even for Employees, training is necessary to refresh them and enable them to keep up with new methods and techniques.


To enable the new recruits to understand the work:

A student who is taking up his job for the first time must become familiar with it. For example, if a fresh graduate is appointed as a clerk in a bank, he must first of all gain knowledge of the work assigned to him. For this, basic training is needed. Without any basic training the individual will not be able to do his work. If the student is efficient in Excel sheets or Macros , that will be an additional advantage at work.

Similarly at Diana’s we have efficient Instructors with specialized technologies that will enable the student to take up his responsibilities at work more efficiently.

To enable the student become versatile:

Sometimes a student may have to gain knowledge of several related jobs. It will not be enough if he is only good in the course he reads presently. For example, a student studying Electronics Engineering might be recruited as a Java Developer in a recognized firm. Then he might have to take up a Java Certification to meet the job responsibilities. 

At Diana’s We offer over 250+ courses to meet all the specific training requirements a student needs as future employees.


We need almost a million digital professionals in the EU by 2024. No wonder salaries in the tech industry are up. The following list is based on over 300 assignments performed across Europe , America, and Canada within the past 18 months.

Salary by IT Job Role Globally(quick view)

Job Roles Salary
Technology Management:
IT Sales and Marketing:
Cloud Computing:
IT Risk Management:
IT Architecture & Design:
Cyber Security:
Auditing and IT Compliance:
DevOps Engineering:
Project / Program Management:
Business Intelligence & Data Analytics:
Programming & Application Development:
Networking & Telecommunications:
IT Help Desk & Technical Support:

Source: 2021 IT Skills & Salary Report by Global Knowledge

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