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Course Offered

Course Offered
Diana's WordPress plus Bootstrap Ultimate course
Diana's Ultimate Vue Certification (with Router and Composition API)
Diana's Tailwind CSS Ultimate Certification
Diana's Postman API Certification Course
Diana's PHP-MVC Expert Certification
Diana's Javascript and React JS Ultimate Course
Diana's HTML CSS Ultimate Master Certification
Diana's Full Stack Web D Certification with Vue JS,NodeJS, MongoDB , JS
Diana's Full Stack React Major Certification
Diana's Front End Development Nova Certification
Diana's Django Python Full stack Enigma Certification
Diana's Cypress Automation Testing Professional
Diana's 50 Projects Workshop in HTML, CSS Ultimate
Diana's 30 Projects Workshop in React JS Ultimate

About this Course

DIANA has designed this course to start you on a path toward future studies in web development and design, no matter how little experience or technical knowledge you currently have. The web is a very big place, and if you are the typical internet user, you probably visit several websites every day, whether for business, entertainment or education. But have you ever wondered how these websites actually work? How are they built? How do browsers, computers, and mobile devices interact with the web? What skills are necessary to build a website? With almost 1 billion websites now on the internet, the answers to these questions could be your first step toward a better understanding of the internet and developing a new set of internet skills. 

By the end of this course you’ll be able to describe the structure and functionality of the world wide web, create dynamic web pages using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, apply essential programming language concepts when creating HTML forms, select an appropriate web hosting service, and publish your webpages for the world to see. Finally, you’ll be able to develop a working model for creating your own personal or business websites in the future and be fully prepared to take the next step in a more advanced web development or design course or specialization.

Web development, also known as website development, refers to the tasks associated with creating, building, and maintaining websites and web applications that run online on a browser. It may, however, also include web design, web programming, and database management.

Web development is closely related to the job of designing the features and functionality of apps (web design). The term development is usually reserved for the actual construction of these things (that is to say, the programming of sites).

The basic tools involved in web development are programming languages called HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript. There are, however, a number of other programs used to “manage” or facilitate the construction of sites that would otherwise have to be done “from scratch” by writing code. A number of content management systems (CMS) fall into this category, including WordPress, Joomla!, Drupal, TYPO3, and Adobe Experience Manager, among others.

Web development is closely related to the job of designing the features and functionality of websites and apps (often called “web design”), but the “web development” term is usually reserved for the actual construction and programming of websites and apps.

Think of all the web pages you have used over the years – Web Developers built those sites, making sure they functioned properly and performed in ways that allowed for a great user experience. Web Developers do this by writing lines of code, using a variety of programming languages, which vary depending on the tasks they are performing and the platforms they are working on.

Though there is overlap, there are also key differences between web development and web design. Let’s take a closer look:

Web Designers
Web Developers
  • Create everything a user sees on a website or software product, including all visual, color, typography, and usability elements
  • Write the code that makes a website function, whether they work on the front end or back end (server-side)
  • Work directly with a client to create designs or work as part of a team to develop client vision
  • Create or implement designs demanded by a client or created by a design team
  • May need knowledge of a programming language or some coding skills, or at least some level of familiarity with widely used languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript
  • Need expert-level knowledge of a variety of programming languages, including HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS, PHP, and JavaScript but also extending to other languages (Ruby, C/C++, Python), frameworks, and libraries
  • Create wireframes and prototypes to test design ideas, offer input on design logos, branding, company style guides
  • Rarely create mockups, select typography, or pick color palettes

The most common programming languages involved in web development are:

  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  • JavaScript

There are three main types of web development:

  •  front-end development
  • back-end development
  • full-stack development.

Front-end development involves the “client-facing” side of web development. That is to say usually, front-end web development refers to the portion of the site, app, or digital product that users will see and interact with. A Front-End Developer, therefore, is responsible for the way a digital product looks and “feels,” which is why they are often also referred to as Web Designers.

Front-End Web Developers focus on translating website design and visual ideas into code. A front-end Software Developer takes the design ideas created by others on web development teams and programs them into reality, acting as a bridge between design and technology.

Front-End Developers will usually need to possess a solid understanding of programming languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as frameworks like React, Bootstrap, Backbone, AngularJS, and EmberJS. Responsibilities of a Front-End Developer would include creating responsive websites (that look and function well on any device), conducting website testing and fixing any bugs detected along the web development process, and ensuring site structure follows SEO best practices.

Front-End Development Jobs

Unlike back-end development, there are a number of job titles that cover different skill sets and experience levels within front-end development, including:

  • Front-End Developer
  • Front-End Engineer
  • CSS/HTML Web Developer
  • Front-End Web Designer (this usually denotes a role that involves more visual and interaction design requirements)
  • Front-End User Interface Developer (covering interaction design skills)
  • Mobile Front-End Web Developer
  • Front-End SEO Expert (usually denoting a Developer with experience incorporating SEO strategy)
  • Front-End Accessibility Expert
  • Front-End Dev Ops
  • Front-End QA (involving unit testing, functional testing, user testing, and A/B testing)

If Front-End Developers are responsible for how a digital product looks, Back-End Developers are focused on how it works. A Back-End Developer creates the basic framework of a website before maintaining it and ensuring it performs the way it should, including database interactions, user authentication, server, network and hosting configuration, and business logic. Working behind the scenes – or server-side – Back End Developers are concerned with the systems and structures that allow computer applications to perform as desired.

The primary responsibility of Back-End Developers is to ensure the functionality of the site, including its responsiveness and speed. To do that, Back-End Developers have to know how to build servers with modern frameworks (while developing custom APIs and serving static websites and files), and how to manage databases and data on a web server.

Typically, Back-End Developers use server-side programming languages, including PHP, Ruby, and Python, as well as tools including MySQL, Oracle, and Git.

A Full-Stack Developer is someone familiar with both front- and back-end development. Full Stack Developers usually understand a wide variety of programming languages and because of their versatility, they might be given more of a leadership role on projects than developers who specialize. They are generalists, adept at wearing both hats, and familiar with every layer of development. Obviously, employers want to hire Full-Stack Developers – according to an Indeed study, they are the fourth-most in-demand job in tech.

If the title is contentious, it’s in the generalist nature of the position. Developers who specialize in the front-end or back-end often bristle at the notion that someone could be equally adept at both – the expression “jack-of-all-trades, master of none” comes to mind.

“My defensive tendencies are normally put on high alert when I hear that magic phrase (‘full-stack’),” wrote Front-End Developer Andy Shora. “Stacks are a lot bigger than what they used to be, and being able to claim one has acquired refined skills at every layer of web development is certainly not a small claim. Does this mean you have a broad range of skills or you specialize in everything?”

While that perception persists, there still is an increasing number of tech professionals who consider themselves Full-Stack Developers. According to a recent Stack Overflow survey of Developers, 48.2 percent consider themselves Full-Stack Developers.

What’s unclear is whether Developers are now expected to possess a broader skillset, or if Developers are taking it upon themselves to understand functions at both the front-end and back-end. Either way, it’s becoming increasingly important for aspiring Developers to have a foundation in both.

“For most people hoping to break into web improvement, you should center around working up an establishment in both front-end and back-end advancement first,” recommended Software Engineer and Tech Writer Muhammad Anser. “At that point, you can float towards a claim to fame later on.”

And with demand for Developers expected to grow 15 percent by 2026 (for 24,400 new jobs), much faster than the U.S. average rate of job growth, there may not be a better time to dive in and learn more about all the layers of Web Development.

A Web Developer is responsible for programming code that tells websites and web applications how to operate. Web Developers typically specialize in either “front-end” (“client-side”) development or “back-end” (“server-side”) development. Some versatile and highly-sought-after professionals do both, and they’re called “Full-Stack Developers.”

Web Developers work on implementing visual designs and layouts, integrating graphics and content, optimizing website performance and capacity, and testing to ensure solid performance across any type of computer, mobile or device screen. No matter your exact job, if you want to become a Web Developer you would be expected to understand how to write code in some widely used web programming languages including JavaScript, HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and more.

It’s also likely that any Web Developer would spend a lot of time collaborating and communicating with others on larger development teams, including Software Developers, Web Designers, Project Managers, and other stakeholders.

A Web Developer creates, designs, builds, and maintains websites, software, and web applications. Web Developers build websites by using programming languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript to write code and convert a web design – created by the programmer or a design team – into a professional website, product, or mobile application.

If a Web Developer performs their job correctly, the website should not be so simple that it does not appeal to advanced users, but it also shouldn’t be so complex that a beginner user gets lost or frustrated using the site.

Front-End Web Developers typically focus on the visual and design elements of websites and can anticipate and fully appreciate user needs and behavior. As the name suggests, front-end (or client-side) development involves the programming of what will be visible to the user. Languages like JavaScript, CSS, and HTML are widely used by Front-End Developers.

Because front-end development is responsible for what you can see on a website, it’s often confused with web design. Although Front-End Developers don’t design websites, they are the link between design and technology that can turn an idea into an interactive web page.

Front-End Developer Responsibilities

Here are some of the basic tasks that a Front-End Developer may be responsible for:

  • Working with Graphic Designers, UX Designers, or Web Designers to help ensure design ideas can be made into a website that is easy to use
  • Transforming design (sketches or wireframes for a website) into code that a web browser can read and display on your screen
  • Structuring a website so that it is easy to find through a search engine (this is part of Search Engine Optimization or SEO)
  • Developing websites that work and look good on any screen, from 24-inch computer monitors to five-inch smartphone screens (this is called responsive design)
  • Testing websites and fixing bugs or other issues

Back-End Developers work on behind-the-scenes systems and structures that are not visible for users but which allow the application to perform what’s needed. Specialists in back-end development tend to be skilled at problem-solving and logic and work with a variety of computer programming languages such as Python, Ruby, and SQL.

Back-End Web Developers can also choose to specialize in mobile application development and work primarily on Android and iOS apps. Using languages like HTML5, C++, and Java, a Back-End Web Developer who focuses on app development would need to take a few different approaches into consideration such as swiping functionality, scrolling dimensions, and other standardized app design elements.

Daily tasks for Web Developers can vary widely, depending on a number of different factors. Given the diversity of clients and their web-based products, as well as the range of specializations in front-end and back-end web development, a Web Developer can play many roles. This, in fact, is a selling point for the profession — no two days are quite the same!

Here are a few examples of what a Web Developer is responsible for on a daily basis:

  • Translating wireframe designs into working code
  • Creating the architecture and content of a site
  • Building in functionality and responsiveness
  • Making a site go live
  • Updating and renovating sites
  • Troubleshooting, fixing bugs, and glitches

Collaboration is also a major part of a Web Developer’s day-to-day routine, as Developers often participate in team meetings with Content Creators, Graphic Designers, UI Specialists, Marketers, Client Services Managers, and more. Web Developers also spend time working with each other to troubleshoot, review, and fix code that’s not quite right. Senior Web Developers may also spend quite a bit of time mentoring Junior Web Developers and managing team projects and scheduling.

So, depending on the size of the company, a Web Developer may be focusing on a highly specialized role or a wider variety of smaller tasks. Freelance Web Developers, on the other hand, may take client projects from start to finish.

Although different types of Web Developers do drastically different types of work, there would seem to be several characteristics that all successful Web Developers share.

First, we must again address the technical side of things. And it’s not just about coding skills, although they’re very important. To put it simply, a Web Developer will spend a lot of time working on the computer, and that part can’t be a chore. To excel in web development, you have to genuinely enjoy learning new programming languages, experimenting with new web development tools, and fiddling with their code until everything is just right.

No matter which programming language you specialize in, the reality is that code can be unpredictable. As a Web Developer, you must maintain flexibility and have the ability to switch contexts or the scope of a project unexpectedly, and then go back to pick up where you left off. You need to be able to adapt and respond to issues when they arise (almost always unexpectedly and they’re often time-sensitive). Other technical skills beyond coding skills can be useful in web development, including graphic design skills and UX design skills.

Although most outsiders tend to think of Web Developer as a strictly technical role, in fact, many of the most important characteristics for a Web Developer to have would fall on the “soft” side of the skill spectrum.

For instance, Developers need to have good critical thinking skills and an analytical mind. Problem-solving should be a passion for you –it’s a crucial part of programming. You also need to be able to balance considering both the big picture and the small details.

Good Web Developers also aren’t too proud to ask for help. As a Web Developer, when your code works – or, perhaps more importantly, when it doesn’t – you must not be afraid to ask “why” and keep digging till you find the answer. When working on a project, you should be comfortable asking superiors, colleagues, or clients questions to ensure you understand expectations and requirements and that your work is on the right track.

Another key characteristic? Empathy. Even as Web Developers find themselves in the weeds programming code, they must never forget that software is ultimately about the user. Good Web Developers must understand their users and constantly keep what they want top of mind.

Communication skills are also very important to Web Developers. You must be able to relate to both your client and your team. A great Web Developer is also a great listener, adept at really understanding what everyone involved — from clients to stakeholders and finally to end-users — really wants. Also, Web Developers not only work with other Web Developers, Web Designers, and Engineers but also other teams across your company. Web Developers might find themselves working closely with a marketing, support, or sales team, or working directly with clients. So you must be a team player. Whether you’re working remotely or alongside your team, collaboration and communication with your peers and stakeholders are paramount to success.

Finally, Web Developers should be lifelong learners. There’s always something new to learn with tech, which is a huge draw for so many in the industry. Tech is also an incredibly dynamic and fluid industry. It’s constantly growing, changing, and evolving. As a member of the industry, you need to stay current and up-to-date with the industry and new technologies. BrainStation’s survey showed that 80 percent of Web Developers feel they would benefit from further digital skills training, even as 64 percent reported already pursuing more digital skills training or online courses. In other words, these are people who never stop learning.

Web Development Software

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Web development software can be used to help professional Web Developers and non-Developers alike build websites, mobile apps, and other digital products.

Although the basic tools involved in web development are programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java, and Python, there are a number of top web development tools, web design software, website builders, and content management systems (CMS) that will help you design web pages regardless of your web development experience.

Web Developers use a variety of tools and programs depending on their specific job responsibilities, but these are some of the most types of development software and tools:

  • Best CMS
  • Web Design Software
  • Front End Development Software
  • Back End Development Software

Not all businesses have the budget or resources to hire a Web Developer or build a website from scratch. For a local web development solution, many organizations turn to the best content management system platforms.

A great CMS will be easy and intuitive to use, customizable, secure, and priced fairly. With that in mind, here are some of the best CMS platforms:

The best web development software and tools will help you more effectively and efficiently create websites and mobile apps, whether you have web development experience or not.

With the full range of applications in mind, here are the 11 best web development software and tools:

  • WordPress
  • Drupal
  • Joomla
  • Wix
  • Adobe Dreamweaver
  • Weebly
  • Sublime Text
  • Chrome Developer Tools
  • jQuery
  • Django
  • Laravel

When looking for web design software or a website builder, companies are usually looking for a more comprehensive and user-friendly tool than even your most intuitive CMS platforms. For small businesses or companies that want to build a site without input from a Web Developer, a web design platform or feature-rich site builder might be a better option as opposed to a more complex CMS.

With that in mind, here is some of the best web design software in a web development environment:

The best front-end web development tools and software include libraries to boost our processes and workflow, version control systems, and browser plug-ins to ensure your designs are responsive.

With that in mind, here are some of the best web development tools for working on the front end:

Where Front-End Developers focus on the client-facing elements of a website, Back-End Developers are responsible for making sure a website functions properly on the server side. To accomplish that, Back-End Developers will typically use a variety of server-side languages — including PHP, Ruby, and Python — as well as frameworks, web servers, database management systems, and a host of other Back-End Developer tools.

Here are some of the best back-end development frameworks, tools and software:

How to Become a Web Developer

To become a Web Developer, you should have an understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It’s also recommended to learn about CSS and CSS frameworks. Developing these fundamental web development skills will give you the foundation and logic for communicating with programming languages.

How to become a Web Developer in five steps:

Is Web Development a Growing Field?

Yes, the web development field is booming. There are more than 1.3 million Developer jobs available in North America, and more than 47,000 new development jobs were created in the last two years, with the market expected to grow an additional 15% in the next 5 years. For these reasons, Mondo found “Web Developer” the most in-demand job title in tech and one of its top-paying jobs.

What Is the Salary of a Web Developer?

According to job site Indeed, the average salary for Web Developers in the United States is $71,531, with Senior Web Developers averaging $95,325. That makes web development one of the most lucrative positions that do not require a degree.

How Can I Become a Web Developer Fast?

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Coding bootcamps have become an increasingly popular option for aspiring Web Developers as they provide a hands-on learning experience and the chance to develop job-ready skills – in as little as 12 weeks.

Traditionally, many Web Developers have started with higher education in software engineering, computer science, or related fields. However, it’s also possible to come from a completely different industry. In fact, a growing number of professionals are taking steps later in their careers to learn development from scratch either by becoming self-taught or pursuing a diploma with a coding bootcamp. In fact, BrainStation’s Digital Skills Survey found that 55 percent of development respondents began their career in a different field and 58 percent have only been programming for five years or less.

What Is Needed to Become a Web Developer?

Here are some of the things you’ll need to learn to become a Web Developer:

As in other tech fields, it’s important for Web Developers to network and to keep learning, as programming languages and techniques change frequently. Apart from coding bootcamps, web development courses, panel discussions, and workshops, you can also stay current by contributing to an open-source commons, such as GitHub or Bootstrap.

And of course, to become a Web Developer, you will need a portfolio of completed projects for your job search. Regardless of your specific interests, it’s important to showcase your versatility to ensure clients from various industries get a sense of your abilities.

How Many Programming Languages Should I Know ?

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A simple question with a complicated answer. It’s complicated because it depends, like so many things in life, on multiple variables. Are you a beginner Web Developer or a pro? What types of projects do you work on, or want to work on? And what does the future hold?

If you’re a new Web Developer, it makes sense to start with the basics—but on the other hand, a certain amount of specialization can set you apart from your competitors. Ultimately, the solution is to determine which languages are useful in your field, with the degree of specialization that’s right for you, and are growing in popularity rather than falling out of it.

To get a handle on these trends, BrainStation conducted a survey of the current digital landscape. Based on the answers from thousands of professional respondents, we’ve put together an overview to help guide you toward the programming language you should begin learning now.

The More Programming Languages You Know, The Better

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If you’re a Web Developer, take comfort in the fact that you’re in a growth industry. The market for Web Developers is expected to grow by another 15 percent by 2026, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor. Because of this rapid growth, the field has seen an influx of relatively new talent; 58 percent of our survey respondents said they’ve been working in development for five years or less.

Our survey also revealed that the more experience Web Developers have under their belt, the more likely they are to work in full-stack development, and the broader their range of specialties. The takeaway: for a Web Developer to move forward in their careers, it’s crucial to continue learning new and more specialized languages—which, ironically, make them less specialized, and better able to collaborate with or manage teams working at more stages of a broader range of projects.

As new applications emerge, we should expect the list of most frequently used languages to change. Asked what will have the biggest effect on their industry over the next five to 10 years, a large majority of respondents (78 percent) chose artificial intelligence and its subset of machine learning as the biggest opportunities for growth.

Other trends they’re anticipating: the Internet of things (54 percent), augmented reality (53 percent), and blockchain (41 percent). But while they’re anticipating these technologies will gain prominence, only a minority of Developers have worked with them directly—83 percent of respondents have yet to work on AI platforms or blockchain tech, and 80 percent have no experience with IoT devices.

In fact, blockchain tech is still so new that intermediate-level respondents were more likely to have experience working with it than senior-level Developers—but this was still only one in four. These figures suggest that blockchain tech is an area beginners should brush up on to improve their chances of advancement—and Senior Developers should learn to ensure they stay relevant.

Given the “Big five” areas where growth is expected to happen—AI and machine learning, IoT, AR, and blockchain—what languages should you learn? While the answer depends, to some extent, on which of these five areas you choose to focus on, the same three names came up again and again: C++, Java, and Python.

Within each of the aforementioned concentrations, more languages crop up in addition to these three. In Blockchain: Ruby and Solidity. In IoT: C, JavaScript, and PHP. In AI and machine learning: R, Lisp, and Prolog. And in AR: C#, JavaScript, and Swift. But in every case, C++, Java, and Python are among the leaders.

These are the languages people are using today to work in what they’ve identified as development’s most burgeoning fields. What about tomorrow? There’s no surefire way to predict the future, but we can look at which languages are growing in use the fastest. One way to do this is to compare search queries—a proxy for measuring which languages people are currently learning. Over at Github, a compilation of search queries suggests that the fastest-growing languages are relatively new—as you’d expect.

In 2018, Java-compatible Kotlin grew the fastest year-over-year, more than doubling. HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) for cloud infrastructure, the JavaScript superset language TypeScript, Microsoft’s automation framework PowerShell, and systems programming language Rust round out the top five.

But not far behind, in the eighth position, is Python. Despite its popularity, Python still managed to chalk up 50 percent year-over-year growth—the sign of a true juggernaut on the rise.

Web Development Skills

Although there are a variety of different skills required to become a Web Developer, knowing how to code is likely at the top of the list of the most important web development skills. As the core of web development work involves writing code, Web Developers must have advanced programming skills, and be fluent in a number of programming languages and libraries.

According to a recent BrainStation Digital Skills Survey, JavaScript is by far the most widely used language, with 75 percent of respondents citing it. This was followed by SQL, at 47 percent. However, 86 percent use Git for version control.

Skills Required to Be a Web Developer

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Although Web Developers need a mixture of education, soft skills, and technical skills, ultimately a core job responsibility is writing code, and that means that any Web Developer must have advanced programming skills with a thorough knowledge of any number of programming languages and libraries.

Even though specific duties will of course vary by job, all Web Developers should have a complete understanding of programming languages including CSS, HTML (HyperText Markup Language), and JavaScript. If you have little experience writing code or you’ve only worked with one programming language, you might consider attending a coding bootcamp or looking into other free online courses and other resources that highlight steps you can take to become more proficient.

There are also certain back-end or front-end skills that all Web Developers should possess regardless of where they tend to work. For example, it’s helpful for someone who works only on the front-end to have database, cybersecurity or SQL experience.

Technical Web Developer Skills

As Web Developers must work with diverse teams, there are also a number “soft skills” that are important to develop. Here are some of the most important soft skills for Web Developers:

There are a range of technical skills or “hard skills” required for web development. First, it is important that Web Developers build experience with the following programming languages:

Beyond programming languages and libraries, becoming comfortable with commonly used tools like Git, or other version control software is a skill every experienced Web Developer should have. Version control is a method of tracking different versions of code to ensure you can access it or restore it at any time.

There are also a number of design skills that are useful for a successful Web Developer to have, with an understanding of responsive design being perhaps the most crucial. Responsive design is a method of web design that ensures a website responds to the screen size or platform used to view the content. With over 52 percent of global web traffic coming from mobile phones, 43 percent from desktop, and the remainder from tablets, the screen size used to view websites is extremely varied. To ensure that the experience is seamless across all platforms and screen sizes, Developers must be fluent in responsive design.

While Web Developers are not typically tasked with the overall site design (that would be the job of a Web Designer), it’s an advantage for Developers to also have a solid understanding of common design principles (including user experience design and user interface design). Front-End Developers, in particular, program the screens that users interact with – they can be far more successful with a good grasp of user-centered design. With SEO looming as an increasingly important part of many companies’ overall tech strategy, it will also make you a better Web Developer to understand how site organization, architecture, and speed will help or hurt overall SEO efforts.

Career in Web development

Do You Need a Degree to Be a Web Developer ?

Yes, web development is a good career. Mondo’s annual Tech and Digital Marketing Salary guide found “Web Developer” was the most in-demand job title in tech and one of its top-paying jobs. And, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, the job market for Web Developers is expected to grow 15 percent by 2026.

Web Developers usually specialize in either front-end development – to put it quite simply, everything a user sees when they use a website or web application – or back-end (server-side) development, while those versatile enough to do both are called Full-Stack Developers.

For those who don’t work in tech, the distinction between those roles and the other various roles relating to web and software development can be quite confusing. Here’s an overview of some of the job titles in web development:

The job outlook for Web Developers as very positive because Web Developers are in high demand across a variety of industries, and a worldwide gap in software and web development skills has most observers forecasting high demand well into the future.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects employment of Web Developers to grow eight percent by 2029, much faster than the average for job roles. There is also no sign demand will wane. The expansion of e-commerce — online shopping is now expected to grow faster than the overall retail industry — and an ever-increasing reliance on mobile search will only create further need for talented Web and Software Developers. That means that even if many career changers from other tech disciplines decide they want to become a Web Developer, the job outlook should still remain positive.

On average, the U.S. expects about 13,400 openings for Web Developers, and others pursuing a related career in digital design professionals are projected each year, on average, over the decade.

A Web Developer career path tends to follow two distinct routes, depending on whether you’re looking for the security of a salaried position or you prefer to have the autonomy that comes with being a freelancer.

In a full-time web development position, you’d collaborate with other developers and programmers as part of a larger development team, whether you’re working for an agency or a company. This route offers opportunities for getting into managing projects or teams and liaising with a client or stakeholders from other backgrounds outside of tech.

With programming skills in high demand, full-time jobs in web development are not scarce. A few years into a career in web development, you might qualify for a six-figure salary as a Senior Web Developer along with other employer perks and bonuses.

There are also many benefits to freelancing. Freelance Web Developers create their own schedules and are free to select projects that truly interest them. Self-employed Web Developers essentially run their own business, so it’s important to build strong relationships with their clients that could translate to a full-time job down the line. Since they set their own price, a freelance professional with serious programming talent could theoretically reach a higher pay grade much faster than an entry-level development would take to become a senior employee.

Freelance is also likely the way to go for any web development professional who wants to work remotely.

You might want to become a Web Developer because there are many high-paying jobs available, Web Developers can work from anywhere, and web development jobs tend to offer good work-life balance. Though there are obviously a number of different specializations within web development, the bottom line is most jobs in web development are considered great careers in terms of salary, benefits and perks, and opportunity for advancement.

Being a Web Developer is not without its challenges, however, as the field involves continuous learning, problem-solving, and critical thinking. This is a field that never stops changing as new technologies, best practices, and other innovations are introduced, which means Web and Software Developers have to work hard to keep current on the latest coding languages and industry trends to ensure they stay relevant over the course of their web development careers.

Here are some of the reasons why it’s worth it to become a Web Developer:

The top trends on the horizon that Web Developers will have the biggest impact on web development over the next five years, according to the survey? AI (86 percent of respondents) and machine learning (84 percent), so any aspiring Web Developer would be well-served looking at how these technologies could change development forever. For a good Web Developer, that’s a fun challenge to consider.

That helps to explain the increasing popularity of web development certification and training programs among seasoned developers and those hoping to break into the industry. BrainStation, for example, offers a Web Development bootcamp and courses, both online and at our campuses. These web development courses were designed to be collaborative, replicating the kind of working and learning experience Web and Software Developers would experience in the field.

Yes, many Web Developers work from home. The nature of the job gives Web Developers the ability to work remotely, or anywhere with an internet connection, but depending on the kind of work, you’ll be presented with different employment options, including:

  • Contract work
  • Working full-time
  • Freelance work

Many freelance Developers work for themselves and do so remotely from home.

Depending on the agreement, contract Web Developers may work in-office, at home, or a combination of the two. Make sure to stipulate those guidelines upon signing a contract.

If you work full-time for a brand, you’ll often be required to work in-office during working hours. Some professionals prefer to have a designated place of work and to have work and client interactions face-to-face. However, there are also many companies that provide flexible work-from-home policies.

All in all, when looking for web development jobs make sure to choose a schedule and work-life balance that suits you.

What Companies Hire Web Developers ?

Web Development courses Offered by Diana’s

Diana's WordPress plus Bootstrap Ultimate course
Diana's Ultimate Vue Certification (with Router and Composition API)
Diana's Tailwind CSS Ultimate Certification
Diana's Postman API Certification Course
Diana's PHP-MVC Expert Certification
Diana's Javascript and React JS Ultimate Course
Diana's HTML CSS Ultimate Master Certification
Diana's Full Stack Web D Certification with Vue JS,NodeJS, MongoDB , JS
Diana's Full Stack React Major Certification
Diana's Front End Development Nova Certification
Diana's Django Python Full stack Enigma Certification
Diana's Cypress Automation Testing Professional
Diana's 50 Projects Workshop in HTML, CSS Ultimate
Diana's 30 Projects Workshop in React JS Ultimate

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